Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Getting ready for Miami

Now that we are into real winter here, (25 cms of snow the other day) and it's snowing right now, I have put away the bikes for a few months. I took out a 60 day membership at the Louis Riel Dome, three houses away from me, with its 400 metre enclosed track a few weeks ago. I can now get in about 40 minutes of running every weekday morning, getting ready for the Miami half-marathon in late January, and the Richmond 10k two weeks before; perfect timing.

OK, OK, an indoor track is deadly boring, but much better than a treadmill, and with the kind of weather we often have here, more motivating at 6 a.m. than outside. With my radio tuned to my favourite news and public affairs station, it's not all that bad, and probably better on the knees than on the roads.

I usually run outdoors on weekends, as there is more time and flexibility, but opted for a track run today, and got halfway through my workout when the fire alarms went off and we had to evacuate the dome, so I headed home. It turned out to be a false alarm, but the fire trucks had to come to sound the all clear.

The picture is from an October business and vacation trip to Egypt, in front of you know what. I did run a lot in Sharm el-Sheikh, but not in Cairo, due to the world's worst pollution. Great trip overall.


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