Running and cycling with Bill

Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Army Run and then some

The Army Run was great, and then there was the Prince Edward County half marathon, on Sunday October 3, which was also Run for the Cure in Blackburn Hamlet. Made a tactical error and signed up for PEC and forgot about RftC. But the RftC gang came through; we got all the preps for RftC done ahead of time and went off to Picton for the race. Cool for sure, but a really pleasant weekend. Finished in 1:54, top third of my age group. Good to go with that. Then there was the Ottawa Hospital Rattle me Bones 10k, where I was a 55 minute pacer, and finished a little under that. The DFAIT 5k on Ocober 29 finished out the races for this year; wrapped that one up in 24:54. OK with that, as I was a major race organizer, and we raised over $40k for the Virtual Reality Laboratory at the Ottawa Hospital Rehab Centre.